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Season 1 Episode 1 - Conquering Feelings and Emotions Together with Kendall and Cathy Thomas

Recognizing how we feel and learning how to communicate those feelings to your spouse in a loving way is the first step to communicating effectively in a healthy marriage. Learn from Kendall and Cathy Thomas as they share their expertise on getting a handle on feelings and emotions in marriage. Spoiler alert: Feelings are not right or wrong - and they aren't your fault, or your spouses fault!

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.

James 1:2-3 NIV

About Kendall and Cathy Thomas

Kendall and Cathy Thomas are the Clergy Executive Couple for United Marriage Encounter and have been part of the International Board since 2015. They have served as a presenting Clergy Team Couple on Marriage Encounter Weekends since 2002. Kendall and Cathy were married in August of 1972 and have been Senior Pastors in ministry. They are members of Together Church in Lakeland, Florida where they serve as pre marriage and marriage counselors; in addition, Kendall is on the Elder Board and Cathy is a Team teacher in a Ladies Bible Study.


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